public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags "groupe:clever age" & javascript

May 2008


by 2 others
ProtoFlow is a coverflow effect written in Javascript. It uses Prototype and Scriptaculous to do bulk of the work and it uses Reflection.js to do all the image reflections stuff!

February 2008


by 2 others
JavaScriptMVC is a framework that brings methods to the madness of JavaScript development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration. I just fear about the "JavaScript is awesome" that one can read in the product's homepage...

December 2007

Vitamin Features » Serving JavaScript Fast

by 11 others (via)
The next generation of web apps make heavy use of JavaScript and CSS. We’ll show you how to make those apps responsive and quick.

November 2006

Livre blanc : Etude comparative des principaux frameworks AJAX - Livres blancs - Publications - Veille - Clever Age

by 2 others
Cette étude montre les possibilités d’intégration d’AJAX au sein d’applications Web en présentant et comparant 11 frameworks d’actualité : Prototype, jQuery, Dojo, Moo.Fx, Scriptaculous, Yahoo !UI, Mochikit, Rialto, Echo2, Microsoft Atlas et Google Web Toolkit.